Maybe the file you would like to import, is corrupted or the dialect is not
supported by the software. Please contact
your software provider for help.
We are not perfect!
Maybe the import filter is erroneous and must be revised. Please enter
a new bug with a detailed description of how to reproduce the error into
online bug-tracking system(
Attach the file and screenshots, if required. We will resolve the problem as soon as possible.
Selected information is copied into the clipboard in multiple formats
(if supported).
E.g. a spectrum is copied as bitmap and as x,y data table into the clipboard.
The software is FDA / GXP compliant, if the project administration module
is used. So those people, who work in a regulated environment must use
projects to handle their analytical data.
All actions or modifications within and on a project, on objects, folders
or whatever, will be logged in an audit
GXP and FDA regulations
Is this software CFR 21 part 11 compliant?
What is an audit trail?
Please refer to the Audit Trail
section in the Definitions section
for details.
What happens to the audit trail if the Undo operation is performed?
If the last operation is undone on an object, the original object is
restored in its state before the last operation has been applied.
In this case, the operation, that has been undone, will not occur in
the audit trail of the object.
Undo and Redo operations can be executed as many times as desired without
taking effect on the audit trail of an object as long as the object is
not stored meanwhile.
Once the object is stored, the modifications will be applied and cannot
be undone anymore.
Where can I see the audit trail of an object?
The audit trail of an object can be reviewed in the audit
trail tab.
Just click the object or project in the project explorer. The audit
trail tab shows the audit trail of the selected object.
File handling
Why is the Save all... command inactive sometimes?
The Save
All... command is only active in the menu, if any modified objects
are available in the software.
What happens to modified files when closing the application?
The user is prompted for not yet saved files when he closes the application.
He can either save them or discard changes.
A list of all modified files will be presented and the user might select
those files to be stored and de-select those to be discarded.
Projects cannot be renamed in the software, but they can be copied and pasted
within the project explorer. You are prompted to store the project under
a different name on your hard disc then.
Alternatively, use the Save
as command to save a project under a new name.
Can I add the same file multiple times into a project?
Projects and file enclosed can be saved using the Save command. Modified files will
be marked by an asterisk (*) symbol and they are red colored.
Why do opened files do not appear in my project?
If you open files via the Open
command in the File menu, the file is just opened and shown on the workspace.
If you like the file to be added into a project, please use the Add
Files command from the Project menu or the Add Files
toolbar icon in the project explorer.
The software offers the opportunity to Adjust the x-axis properties
of an equidistant data object. Here the resolution
can be changed or data points can be shifted.
Use the Adjust X-Axis command from
the Mathematics menu to perform
this operation.
Enter a new starting value and / or new
ending value within the current spectrum borders in the adjust x-axis
function and the spectrum will be cut according to the new borders.