After completing the Reaction Wizard or loading a preconfigured reaction
template the Reaction Window is shown. The user may start the reaction
or continue to adjust the view and reaction settings using the Parameter
Panel. There are no special prerequisites for running reactions but please
take into account the system requirements and consideration for reactions
with a high sample count and/or high resolution samples:
Maximize the available memory and reduce
the Reaction Window display options to achieve the maximum possible sample
count for long running/high resolution reactions.
The amount of possible measurements in a reaction is correlated to the
amount of available system memory. To maximize the number of possible
measurements consider the following guidelines:
Close all unneeded additional applications that are
running on the system to maximize the available memory.
Turn off unneeded views in the reaction window. Disable
the Every Nth Sample option: The
preparation of the measured sample data for the visual representation
in the Reaction Window consumes a large part of additional memory. Turning
off or increasing the Every Nth Sample
option will drastically increase the number of maximum possible sample
Use the Save
to Folder option to guarantee data safety when running long
reactions. Using this will ensure that every measured sample is directly
written to disc and you will still have access to the measured data, even
if the system should run out of memory or should encounter other difficulties.
Saving data to projects is perfectly save for the most situations, but
saving large projects when the system runs low on resources may be problematic.
To give an idea of the maximum number of possible measurements when saving a reaction to a project,
endless reaction have been run with the current software build using the
full available resolution (1) and range (0-16000cm-1). This equals a sample
size of approximately 16kB.
Windows XP, 2GB RAM,
default RX settings (Save to project, Every 2nd sample, 3D-view
enabled, Overlay view enabled): 1500
max. possible samples.
Windows XP, 2GB RAM,
minimal RX settings (Save to project, Every nth sample off,
3D-view off, Overlay view off): 7000
max. possible samples.
These are approximate numbers for your
orientation. Changing the sample parameters or system settings will yield
different results, but the parameter scaling should be approximately linear
(e.g. only using a resolution of 2 should double the sample count; doubling
the system memory (if the operating system supports it) should also double
the sample count.
These guidelines mainly apply when auto saving
long running/high resolution reactions to a project. When using the Save
to Folder option as suggested above, the maximum possible sample counts
are significantly higher.
Running Reactions
To run the reaction simply click on the Start
Reaction button
in the control panel. Depending on the configuration the user will be
prompted for the reference measurements or the reaction will start directly.
Most of the Reaction Window options will still be available while a reaction
is running. Display options may be adjusted, Phases, Limits, Golden Batches,
Preprocessing settings and Comments can be added or modified. The reaction
may also be paused temporarily - see below.
Pausing Reactions / Pausing Measurements
To pause a reaction simply click on the Pause
Measurements button in the control panel. Pausing a reaction will not actually suspend
the complete reaction but will only pause the following measurements.
For this purpose a Pause Phase
will be inserted into the current phase. Consequently the current phase
will be split into three phases: A phase with the already measured samples,
a now active pause phase with zero measurements and a duration that equals
the actual paused time and a new phase with the still remaining measurements
of the original phase. All following phases will be shifted accordingly.
Since the pause only suspends the actual measurements, a pause phase will
only be inserted if a measurement is encountered during an engaged pause.
For example: If pause/resume is engaged in-between two measurements of
a phase with long intervals, this will have no effect on the phase configuration
as long the engaged pause does not reach the next measurement.
The regular reaction workflow is resumed by clicking on the Resume
Measurements button.
Stopping Reactions
To stop a reaction simply click on the Stop
Reaction button
in the control panel. The reaction will stopped at its current state and
saved if the automatic saving option is enabled.