All three dimensions of a 3D data object are shown in a cube in the
3D data view. The axes of the cube
hold the respective data dimensions. Only one 3D data object can be shown
at a time.
The cube might be rotated, zoomed or moved along any of the three dimensions
to provide a perfect view to your data. It is also possible to show 2D
cuts, which hold two dimensional slices of the cube along the x,z-plane
and y,z-plane at the current mouse pointer position. These slices are
shown in separate 2D data views on top of the cube optionally. Slices
can be extracted and stored as new 2D data objects.
Can I save my preferred 3D data view options?
The software
will automatically save the last used 3D data view options. Therefore
the next 3D object will be opened with the last used display options.
This way the data will always be opened in your favorite 3D display mode.
The following figure shows a typical pseudo 3D data object with a set
of two 2D data objects extracted from the x, z plane and the y, z plane.
This is a measurement of cannabis extract on a thin layer plate:
(Source: J&M Analytische Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH, Robert-Bosch
Str. 83, 73431 Aalen, Germany)
The legend shows a color coded area on top right corner of the 3D data
view. The color coding covers the full intensity range of the 3D data
object. A horizontal line inside the colored area shows the actual intensity
at the mouse pointer position.
Alternatively, the legend can be enabled or disabled from the context
menu, which is available when clicking the Right
Mouse Button in the 3D
data view.